Monday, 4 January 2016

Ski Trip Information

I hope everyone had a great Christmas break and welcome back!

Our ski trip this year to Kinosoo Ridge is on February 11th.

The ski trip forms have been handed out today to the Grade 5, 6, and 7 classes.  The deadline for the forms and payment is Thursday, January 29th!  If any parents are interested in volunteering please fill out the form and return it as soon as possible.

The day itinerary will be;
6:45a.m.- arrive at St. Joe’s and board the designated bus
7:00a.m.- leave St.Joe’s (we will not wait for late students, to ensure that we remain on schedule.)
9:00a.m.- Arrive at Kinosoo Ridge, and take out rental equipment
10:00a.m.- Evaluations for ski and snowboarding lesson groups, and start lessons.
12:00-1:00pm- Lunch, as soon as you are done eating you can go back out
3:00p.m- Last run down the ski hill
3:30-3:45p.m.- Return rental equipment and board the buses.
4:00p.m.- Departure from Kinosoo Ridge
6:00p.m- Arrival at St. Joseph Elementary, parents please ensure that you are here to pick up your child on time.

Any questions or concerns please feel free to contact myself at the school,
Mr. Blais